Savannah Electric (1985) Obscure Eighties Sci-Fi Film
Zellco Entertainment
Synopsis: On a post-apocalyptic world, a mobile desert factory (Savannah Electric) run by the first thinking machine (The Benefactor), scavenges the last remnants of civilization. Amidst the ecological blight, a clone worker (Gerit Stone) attempts to escape the grip of the machine and psycho-addictive virtual reality device (The SuperInducer), in a half-conscious attempt to regenerate the frontier into what it had once been. In response, The Benefactor dispatches a bounty hunter (H. A. Roc) to eliminate the rogue worker before he can succeed.
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Digital File of 1985 Film Savannah Electric and supplemental material
Savannah Electric Main File Size
75 Minutes
Savannah Resistance alternate Cut
896.3 MB
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